The Latest Developments and Events at GMT: Stay Informed!

Here you'll find the latest news, publications and highlights from past events and occasions at GMT. From exciting premieres to partnerships and significant occurrences, we keep you updated on everything happening with us. Discover how we contribute to shaping the future of materials and forming technology.

QForm UK User Meeting 2024: Recap of an Inspiring Event in Munich

From April 17th to 18th, 2024, our annual QForm UK User Meeting took place in the inspiring MotorWorld Munich. Nearly 30 participants from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland tested the advantages and improvements of the latest version, QForm UK 11.0.2, under the guidance of Dr. Nick Biba (Director Micas Simulations Ltd.) and Dmitry Gerasimov (Product Manager for D/A/CH at the QForm Group). They discussed new features in workshops and attentively followed the presentations and reports of QForm UK users from various fields, sharing their experiences with QForm UK in a relaxed atmosphere. Many thanks to prosimalys for organizing the event!
QForm Anwendertreffen Biba

Focus on Metal Forming Technology at MEFORM 2024

The Institute of Metal Forming at TU Bergakademie Freiberg hosted this year's MEFORM annual conference from March 21 to 22, 2024. Over 150 participants from industry, research and students engaged in discussions on current advancements in metal forming technology. At the accompanying trade exhibition, GMT showcased the latest version 11 of the QForm UK simulation software to enthusiastic attendees and students.
MEFORM 2024 Freiberg GMT QForm

Successful Debut at the Autumn Forum 'Conversations' by Forum Umformtechnik Stuttgart e.V.

On September 21, 2023, Forum Umformtechnik Stuttgart e.V. hosted its Autumn Forum 'Conversations' and welcomed more than 50 participants from the industry and research. This provided a unique opportunity for exchanging experiences. We also participated in person for the first time and look forward to the event next year to establish new connections and strengthen existing ones.
Forum Umformtechnik

From the Lab to the Future: Collaborative Innovation by GMT and KOCKS for the Industry

In our feature 'From Science to Industry' in the KOCKS News, GMT showcased the seamless translation of scientific knowledge into innovative industrial applications. With their Material Information Link and Database MatILDa®, HDQT® technology, and FEM simulation support, we're setting pioneering standards in the industry. Discover more about this exciting partnership and the synergies shaping our technological future. 👷‍♂️🔬
GMT Kocks News

Accurate material data from MatILDa® via new standard interface for QForm UK

The materials database MatILDa® now also supplies material data to the FEM software QForm UK via a newly developed interface. Users can select required material data via this standard interface and import it into their FEM project. In the use of experimentally determined material data with consideration of the stress state in the forming process (tension, compression, torsion) a considerable potential for the improvement of the representation of a forming process in a FEM simulation is identified. The further development was carried out in cooperation of GMT mbH with QForm UK and promises highly precise simulation results to the users.
materials database MatILDa

8th Berlin User Meeting of QForm UK Users and interested Parties

From September 19-21, 2022, our 8th Berlin User Meeting of QForm UK users and interested parties will take place in Potsdam. The event will focus on the presentation of the latest QForm UK version. New possibilities for the simulation of open die forging processes, longitudinal rolling, tool simulation in die forging as well as phase transformations and grain size calculation will be presented. In a workshop led by QForm UK developers, specialists and Micas Simulations Ltd. managing director Nick Biba, all specifications and features of the new QForm UK version will be discussed in detail and deepened in numerous exercises.
Logo QForm UK

ALUMINIUM Exhibition 2022 in Düsseldorf

Meet us at the ALUMINIUM 2022 exhibition in Düsseldorf from September 27-29, 2022, at our booth 4G14 in exhibition hall 4! We will present the forming simulation programs QForm UK Extrusion and QForm UK. We invite you to visit our numerous mini-seminars at the booth (seminar program will follow soon) and learn more about the performance of the QForm UK products.
Logo ALU

36th ASK Metal Forming in Aachen: Shaping ideas

In the program of the 36th ASK Umformtechnik of the Institute of Metal Forming of the RWTH Aachen University (focus of the conference this year: development of forming processes, machines, products and simulation methods) on 26th and 27th October 2022 GMT mbh presents the program QForm UK on an exhibition stand of the accompanying trade exhibition in the conference center EUROGRESS Aachen.
Logo ASK

Accurate, validated material data for FEM simulation

Today, FEM simulation is a widely used tool for modelling forming and heat treatment processes. The exact simulation has been continuously optimized in recent years, so that process and boundary conditions are specified with increasingly higher accuracy. In the use of material data, however, compromises are often made and similar alloys or standard literature values are used. In this case, exact material data adapted to the stresses of the forming process in question (tension, compression, torsion) can significantly increase the accuracy of the FEM simulation results!
QForm UK FEM-Software

New release of MatILDa®: the materials database for metals

The newly launched version of the materials database MatILDa® offers comprehensive and user-friendly access to materials data for a wide range of metals with extensive visualization functionalities. Over 300 materials are represented: Steels, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, magnesium as well as titanium alloys. Data files can be easily integrated and maintained in the materials database. Another special feature is the open standard interface for data exchange. This means that the functionality and data from the materials database MatILDa® can be integrated into any application program (stitch diagram calculator, FEM programs, process simulation, etc.) via direct data access or data exchange with the aid of an export function.
materials database MatILDa

Presentation at the SCT 2022

19th to 23rd June, 2022: “Steels in Cars and Trucks” conference in Milan (Italy). Topic: Performance leaps through intelligent technology solutions. GMT and KOCKS presented three key solutions regarding sustainability, flexibility and digitization: The innovative HDQT® technology – implemented in collaboration with the Steeltec group on an industrial scale as XTP® technology – applies a thermomechanical treatment of bar materials to improve toughness and durability of standard steel grades without the addition of alloying elements. The ma-terial database MatILDa® supports users in material optimization and is one tool GMT relies on to assist with intelligent plant control regarding the inductive heating of long products. The KMS® technology provides process simulation and permits precise setting of local component properties, thus saving resources.
Logo SCT

GMT now part of KOCKS

With effect from April 29th 2021, the engineering service provider GMT Gesellschaft für metallurgische Technologie- und Softwareentwicklung mbH was taken over by Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co. KG. GMT mbH will continue to operate as an independent company within the KOCKS group of companies and will continue to do business unchanged. All GMT employees will remain with you as contact persons, as will GMT's products: the materials database MatILDa, the HDQT technology, the development services and support for QForm as well as the industrial image processing technologies.
GMT Berlin